Day To Day Grocery & Produce (Delta) is a grocery store in Delta, BC. We provide a wide variety of products in the south Asian culture and have wholesale products that you will not find anywhere else for the prices we offer. Also, we source a unique product range locally and around the world to provide our customers with the products they need. Some of our unique items are ayurvedic herbs, exotic spices, oils, fruits, and vegetables from India. We always strive to provide our customers with the best food and products.
We offer the following:
- Cookies
- Dairy
- Frozen Food
- Cookware
- And More!
Our products are affordable and reasonably priced, and we work in a clean and welcoming environment. We are committed to professional, attentive customer service to best assist you with your purchase, and we know that whatever you pick, you'll love it. We strive to deliver complete customer satisfaction for every customer, providing quality products and excellent customer service. For more information about our products, visit our market at Day To Day Grocery & Produce (Delta) today!